Arkansas Below Pueblo
10:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Air Temp: 78
With Tuesday being forecasted as the nicest day of the week, Dave talked me into taking the day off. We decided to head to Pueblo since it was going to be a warm day and we expected lots of fish!
The wife and kid were even able to tag along!
Here is Kaycee meeting her 1st trout!

It was fun having the wife and kid around. Brenda hasn't been fishing since before Kaycee was born so this was our 1st family outing together. A friend of ours got us a Kelty backpack kid carrier which worked perfectly.
We decided to start the day at Valco and as soon as we pulled into the parking lot, we realized that a lot of people had the same idea as us to take the day off of work and do some fishing. The parking lot was packed!
We quickly geared up and headed down to the 3 rocks and there were already 2 guys fishing the run behind there. A quick hello and we started fishing just above them. Brenda immediately hooked up by being out of practice, she lost the 1st 5 fish that she hooked up with. A few of them were quite big as well!
I was able to hook into quite a few fishing behind the 3 rocks while Brenda continued to fish the side run.

No monsters, but decent fish. It was fun having Kaycee on my back and to hear her squeal as I was catching fish.
After a couple of hours, Brenda and Kaycee were getting hungry so they took off to get some lunch. Dave and I continued to fish and we moved up to our #2 spot down from the gauging station.
The fishing here was a little slower, but Dave was able to hook into a few larger fish. Unfortunately they would come unbuttoned before he could get them in the net.

This was the biggest of the day, a nice 17 incher.

At around 2, the bite started to die. Maybe it was all the pressure...there was a ton of people out there. When we left, we counted at least 15 cars in the parking lot. So to end the day, we decided to run to the spillway and see how that was fishing.
Dave set up below the bridge and proceeded to catch a few, and I set up in the runs below the spillway and picked up quite a few stockers.

Overall, a great fishing day! It was crowded, but we were able to find the fish. Flies for the day were midge patterns. Jujubee Midges, Zebra Midges with a chartreuse wrap, WD40's and Flashback Black Beauties. Mayfly patterns like two bit hookers and prince nymphs also worked great as a lead fly. I even picked up quite a few fish at the spillway with a red micro san juan.
A lot of the rainbows were also starting to get colored up for the spawn. I would suspect egg patterns will start working again so have a few in your arsenal if you plan on heading down there. Flows should be jumping up pretty soon to so keep your eye on the flows before you head down there.
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